Custom Tailored NOS Jaguar E-Types by Eagle GB

Custom Tailored NOS Jaguar E-Types by Eagle GB

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Eagle GB is one of the world’s leading independent restoration specialists of authentic Jaguar E-Types. Everything’s retouched from frame to cabin to suspension to power. They have four build packages, from roadsters to coupes, with custom-tailored componentry to fit each client’s specifications. Each Eagle can be tuned distinctly for touring, racing, or weekend cruising. Just as a fashionably fitted suit should feel like an extension of your body, Eagle GB’s ace-in-the-hole E-Types become part of you.

Over 30 years, Eagle GB has been rehabilitating all four original E-Types, from straight-sixes to V12s. Don’t be afraid if you have a rusting Series 1, call them and get an idea of what they can do. They have a holistic approach to their perfected nine-step restoring process, which you can read about in detail on their website. And you’ll have a sit-down consultation before disassembly even begins.

After dreams are set, the stripping of the recently acquired or long loved E-Type begins. Then on to refining the original frame before attaching either of the four bodyshells you’ve chosen. After the body-in-white is sealed, reinforced, and painted, it’s ready for parts and magic to happen. This is the meat of the build process where Team Eagle adds upgraded components like suspension, brakes, cabin bits, and the tailored parts in the package.

During the finishing, engine restoring or updating begins. They recommend a modern 4.7-liter V8 XK engine. Full restos can take up to 4,000 handcrafted man hours, which results in the most beautiful piece of machinery.

Get a feel for Eagle GB in the video below, then let us know what you think!

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Via [Eagle GB]

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