Vote Jaguar! Formula E Team Needs You

Vote Jaguar! Formula E Team Needs You

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We’ve been talking quite a bit around here about Panasonic Jaguar’s new Formula E team, and rightly so: it’s the first time in more than a decade that Jag has competed on such a grand motorsports stage.

For those still catching up, Formula E is the hot, newish, all-electric series, which is currently in its third year. But this is just Jag’s first year competing, and they’ve already shown they can be competitive with a 12th place finish in Hong Kong last month.

Even though the team doesn’t really expect to win early, we still think they can do just a bit better this weekend in Marrakesh. And we’re willing to do our part to help out.

If you haven’t had enough voting already today, now’s your chance to help out the Team Jag drivers Adam Carroll and Mitch Evans. All you have to do is head over to Formula E’s Fan Boost and cast your vote for either Carroll or Evans. You can vote once per day leading up to the race so be sure to vote early and vote often. If they get enough votes, the winning driver will “receive an extra speed boost during the race.” Which kind of sounds like cheating, but hey, it’s for the good of the team!

Team Jaguar is going to need all the help they can get too, because not only is the I-Type car two years behind the rest of the field’s R&D and data crunching, but the Panasonic Jaguar team drivers currently sit in sixth and seventh place in the Fan Boost standings. So please, don’t forget to vote in today’s critical election.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

Via [Fan Boost]

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