Guy Steals Boss’s Jaguar, Promptly Gets It Stolen

Guy Steals Boss’s Jaguar, Promptly Gets It Stolen

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When the owner of a Florida auto restoration shop got a call about his Jaguar Type S being stolen, he immediately knew who did it and the reason why.

Patrick Holcomb had been given a chance at a decent job by the owner of Concours Auto Restoration in Delray Beach just a few days earlier. He was even granted permission to sleep in the premises, since he didn’t have a home at the time. Once Holcomb was settled into his new gig, the owner went to New York for vacation, only to get a call from the shop manager a few days later.

A local police report states that Holcomb received word from his drug dealer offering to sell him crack cocaine. Holcomb, an addict who had been recently arrested for possession of cocaine and actually served a jail sentence for grand theft, couldn’t resist the temptation and stole his boss’s Jaguar to meet the drug dealer. But like most illegal things, the operation went sour rather quickly.


Holcomb met with his drug dealer, whose companion soon hopped into the Jaguar and took off. The local police department found the Type S the next morning. The condition of the vehicle wasn’t made public, but Holcomb is obviously unemployed again and jailed on a $5,000 bond.

What a shame.

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Via [Sun Sentinel]

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