I Have Had it with this #$!@% Snake On this #$!@% Land Rover!!!

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I Have Had it with this #$!@% Snake On this #$!@% Land Rover!!!

While on vacation in South Africa, tourists and their Discovery come face-to-face with 17-foot python–and it wants in! 

Imagine yourself enjoying a nice pleasant vacation driving through South Africa in a Land Rover Discovery. Now, imagine something ruining that fun-filled day. Did a 17-foot python come to mind?

It wouldn’t come up for us initially, but after seeing this video, it’s pretty high up on our list! The U.K.’s Mirror reports that these tourists were driving down a dirt trail in the coastal city of Durban, South Africa, when they encountered the nightmare python. Initially, it was spotted beneath a boat trailer. For some reason, one insane person in the video tries to grab it by the tail—brave guy, but maybe not the brightest decision he could have made in this situation.

I Have Had it with this #$!@% Snake On this #$!@% Land Rover!!!

Like a lot of people, the snake has an eye for a nice SUV. It seems to make a pretty straight line right towards the Discovery once it catches its eye. Why not, right? If a snake is going to own an SUV, it’s a good choice! The snake begins climbing up the front of the vehicle before the driver quickly throws it in reverse. The snake then drops back to the ground.

Land Rover Snake Incident

That doesn’t stop our slithering hero, though. The snake continues following after the Land Rover as it rolls backward! Quick, someone call Samuel L. Jackson to handle this situation! We can only imagine what was going through the driver’s mind as the snake pursued the vehicle along his side of the car. It seems pretty reasonable that most people would not hesitate to put their foot down just a little bit more, seeing that monstrous reptile headed their way.

Overall the situation didn’t boil over too badly. These African rock pythons are not venomous, and they are not known for attacking humans. It’s just the sheer size of the thing that is truly haunting. In fact, it is the largest snake species in Africa. Go figure! Additionally, they are currently endangered due to human hunting for their skin and meat, so we are glad to see that this one wasn’t harmed in its quest to join the Jaguar/Land Rover family.

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