UK South East Ninth Annual Convoy & Meet Event 24th May 2020

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Old 12-12-2019, 03:35 AM
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Ok Guys, I have been looking at the ways that people are keeping up with all the news, info and chat about our event and have just launched a new Telegram group for the event. If you join the group you can make sure you are always up to date with the latest info and chat about our event, and telegram is available for both phones, and PCs and tablets making it easy to get involved with.

It doesn't involve you have to setup a social media account, you are completely private on Telegram, you don't have to have your phone with you to be able to get involved, and you will always be on top of the latest info, news and chat regarding our event.

The new group is public, called JaguarForumsUK, and you can access it via

So go on, why not give it a go?
Old 12-13-2019, 03:16 AM
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Welcome to Stats day! It's Friday and we have made it through the week, with two days of Jaguar time ahead of us :-)

As usual our event has been busier than you would expect for the time of year, with a host of things going on publicly, and in the background as we build up to our next annual event in May.

Yes, I know - the theory around events is that this is a quiet time of rest for organisers, family time, and chilling out before getting everything on the go around February - but that isn't me, and hey, we could all use more Jaguar time :-)

Our event has finally managed to get a great deal on email hosting and now has unique email addresses for everything from the news section, through to event, info and more making it easier than ever to get in touch with us, and for me to process things - our existing provider had a Black Friday deal meaning we are paying pretty much the same as we always have for our event email - I took a massive advantage of it and even managed to get the migration between packages done free for us :-)

Our events Facebook page has a very active Eastwell Manor chat section (by invite only by Frank Woodford MBE), showing that it would be great if we not only had our static information, and limited chat via our website, Facebook group, and forums, but also a chat channel with all the event chat, news and more. So, we have just launched a new Chat group for everyone - as always with us it is free to sign up for too :-)

If you go to you will be made very welcome, and you can catch up with all the chat, discussion, news and more in real time with everyone else involved with our event.

Additionally this is the new medium that we will be using on the day of the event itself to ensure everyone knows of any problems, issues, timing changes, and news quickly and efficiently, replacing the Text-Me service we used to run at events.

I am currently in talks with two potential sponsors - I will of course let you all know if they pan out for us, and talks with the Rotary Club (Dorking) are still progressing with a view to us working with them as well as the RNLI.

I know, you are thinking this is along post, and Christmas is coming.. so, here are the current event stats for you, so you know exactly where we are with things :

Our Forum threads have had an incredible 16,604 hits so far
Our Instagram feed has 575 followers
Our Twitter feed is stable at 618 followers
Our Facebook group has an incredible 772 members
Our LinkedIn account has been growing and now has over 500 contacts in it's network
Our NEW Telegram group has 4 members
We have 53 Jaguars and 98 attendees already registered
We have 18 industry sponsors
We are in talks currently with 2 companies that may get involved with our event
We support the RNLI, and are still in talks wih the Rotary Club (Dorking)
We have 8 Trade Stands booked so far
We have 4 Clubs/Forums attending our event
We have 5 awards confirmed so far

Finally, our website has been busy, and here are the top countries (in order of visits)


Hungary is new to the top four countries visiting our event website - I am hoping we can get some clubs from there involved with our event :-)

I think that's everything covered for this week :-) Please consider signing up for our Telegram group - it would be great to see everyone there, and on the day of the event it will be the main point of contact for all the news and updates on the day too.

Have a great weekend guys, two whole days of Jaguar time.. and then, don't forget we will have the Monday Trivia Quiz to help you survive the start of next week :-)
Old 12-13-2019, 06:41 AM
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As it's a Friday close to Christmas I thought I would share some event trivia with you all - you never know when you could use one of these in Jaguar conversation :-)

Our 2020 event is anticipating 50 times the number of Jaguars that we had at our first ever event!
We have changed event name three times and still haven't managed to find a short roll off the tongue name for our event
Our event has followers from right around the globe including Australia and New Zealand
We have always been, and will always remain a Grassroots event, NOT Commercial
We already have a Project 7, Project 8 and XJ220 registered for our next event
Our gallery of attending Jaguars (I believe a unique feature for us) lets you see attending Jaguars before the day itself
The most popular pages on our event website, in order of views are: Home Page, News page, Marque page, 2020 Event Page, & 2020 Gallery
One year I was between Jaguars until just before the day of the event and almost attended in my school run Citroen C1
We started with one forum thread and now have three Forum threads, a Facebook Page and Group, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter feeds, an event website, and now a Telegram Group
We made our first ever link to another group this year, linking with the Jaguar Breakfast Club
We managed six years without a logo! This is our first year with not one logo but two, so you always recognise the event
We are the only event I know of that runs a weekly trivia quiz for attendees
For the first year ever we have been able to start investing in our infrastructure, and have started supporting the incredible RNLI and are hoping to also be working with the Rotary Club

Our event is unique, and has been made what it is by everyone involved with it as attendees, supporters, administrators, marshals, sponsors and so much more - it has been an incredible seven years so far of looking after everything for everyone, and we have so much ahead of us with our 10th anniversary event in 2021, new planned features, more happening right through the year, new collaborations, more club and forum involvement and so much more - A massive thankyou to everyone for your support of our event, & I hope we can manage another 7 years of developing exactly the grassroots Jaguar event you want :-)

Old 12-16-2019, 02:17 AM
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Good morning Guys, and welcome to the JaguarForumsUK Jaguar Trivia quiz - here to blast away those Monday morning blues, and to give you something to think on over the next day or so. Peter Simpson of the Jaguar Breakfast Club has excelled himself again and has given us some questions regarding Jaguars ancient history.

Here are the questions.. the answers will be posted up on Wednesday to give you a little time to consider your answers - and don't forget if you post them up on our event Facebook group it could be your name up in lights as one of our most knowledgeable attendees this week :-)

Questions from ancient history this week!

1. A motor manufacturer made C, D and E types long before Jaguar. Who were they?
A. Sunbeam B. Alvis C. Lea Francis

2. A car by the name of “Jaguar” was produced by an enterprising dealer before William Lyons began to use the name. In which country did this occur?
A. USA B. Australia C. South Africa

3. The “Brontosaurus” was an unusual, streamlined racing car designed by?
A. William Lyons B. Malcolm Sayer C. Tom Jones

Good luck everyone!
Old 12-18-2019, 04:59 AM
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Hi Guys, Huge things have been going on this week with our event so please keep an eye out for our Friday Stats posting, I have so much to tell you, that you and your Jaguar will hopefully love :-)

Meanwhile though we have been running our Monday Jaguar Trivia quiz.. it was a tough one this week - Peter Simpson has genuinely pulled all the stops out with this weeks trivia :-)

Here are the answers for you:

1) The motor manufacturer in question was option C - Lea Francis
2) The name Jaguar was used by an enterprising dealer in B - Australia
3) This I had no idea on at all it was A - William Lyons who designed the Brontosaurus :-)
Old 12-20-2019, 02:57 AM
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Hi Everyone, and Welcome to the last Friday Stats post before Christmas day!

Hopefully everyone is setup for the big day, and I am really happy that we were able to help make Christmas for three Jaguars this year :-)

Christmas is generally accepted as a period when there is no event activity at all, but our event (as usual lol) is not your average event, and not only has a lot been going on, but I have a stackload of things to sort too, for it over the period :-)

In this weeks trivia quiz we had an almost never known situation, with no-one managing to get all three questions correct, but we have been really stretching peoples knowledge of Jaguar over the past few months, and this weeks questions were incredible.. I have no idea of where Peter Simpson of Jaguar Breakfast Club fame, and our resident quiz master, gets them from, but for me at least (and I think a lot of people) every Monday is no longer a blues day, but a day when I am learning something new about our favourite marque (and usually going Wow, I never knew that).

This week we started a Chat group for the event on Telegram (my preferred option), and it has done well. Then people started requesting a chat group on WhatsApp, so we started a chat group there too with the plan that we would stick with whichever one had the best takeup. They both did well, so we now have not the planned one chat group, but two.. The Telegram one is a quieter chat area for those of us that don't want too many messages, and the WhatsApp group for those of us that are more social and happy with activity. If you haven't joined one or the other yet, they are well worth joining, and you will get all the event news and info before it hits the event website or Facebook group.

Because so much has been going on with our event, generally, since May I haven't had much of a chance to keep in touch with the events' incredible sponsors so as of yesterday, and through the Christmas period I am making contact with everyone past and present.. I am working alphabetically and through email contacts before I hit the Facebook contacts, and have made it to R so far.. lol.. it's going to take me a while to get round everyone.

Some good news for everyone this week, Jaguar Parts 24/7 have signed up for a Feature page, which I am currently working on, and for a trade stand on the day itself, AND will be bringing a gorgeous classic Jaguar with them. Next Base, who were with us two years ago have seen our growth and have agreed to re sign with us in January and I believe will be bringing a discount code and an incredible prize for the Prize draw, and I am working on a few other companies for us too..Ohh, almost forgot - one of our incredible long term sponsors, Bag World, have said that they will try to be with us on the day so we can meet the team, and see how they manufacture their incredible luggage that we all love.

Over the next week I am hoping to be working on the synopsis of the year for everyone.. as so much has happened this year, it's incredible that a Grassroots Jaguar event can be grassroots, once a year, and have so much going on lol

Finally, before I let you loose on the actual Friday Stats that I know you have all been waiting for (patiently) our event has got to the size where we need a collective term for members/attendees - bearing in mind that not everyone involved with our event gets the opportunity to attend on the day, and we are not a club with a membership or members - so we put it to the vote earlier in the week with everyone putting their ideas in, and then everyone voting for the phrase or term they preferred.. and the winner was 'Jagsters' so whenever you are at another event - look out for fellow Jagsters, as you will find them everywhere, not just in the UK at events, but also around the world. Because of this our annual event has now changed from just an event, a Jaguar one at that, but it is now the place where all the Jagsters come together for an incredible day out :-)

And very finally... a massive Thankyou to everyone involved with our event - you have created what we have, and will have for 2020 and onwards - an incredible Grassroots Jaguar event we can not only enjoy on the day, but right through the year with an incredible community and so many ways for people to get involved at whatever level suits them.. THANKYOU

OK, OK, you can wake up now after having dozed through most of that :-)

Here are this weeks Friday Stats, and please keep an eye out for next weeks synopsis of the year (that I have yet to write - gulp :-))

Our event forum threads have received an incredible 17,741 hits to-date
Our Facebook page has 4950 friends
Our Facebook group has 787 members
We have 54 Jaguars registered so far and 100 attendees
We have 18 fantastic sponsors
We have 4 club/forum stands booked so far
We have 9 trade stands booked
We have 2 club/forum allocated areas prebooked
We have 5 confirmed awards for you
Our WhatsApp chat group has 22 members
Our Telegram chat group 7 members
Our Instagram feed has 579 followers
Our Twitter feed has 616 followers
The top countries visiting our event website this week are (in order of numbers) Germany, UK, France & USA

Old 12-23-2019, 05:08 AM
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Happy Christmas Guys!!

Here is this weeks mini Jaguar Trivia Quiz for you - Peter Simpson of the Jaguar Breakfast Club has excelled himself this week so instead of the usual day or two,, you have got until Friday befor I post the answers - and don't forget if you enter the quiz at the event facebook group you may even get your name up in lights :-)

1. Browns Lane produced how many cars between 1952 and 2005?
A. 1,447,677 B. 1,781,632 C. 2,081,291

2. In 1989 when Ford’s bid to buy Jaguar was accepted what was the Jaguar company valued at?
A. £1.1 Billion B. 1.6 Billion C. £1.8 Billion

3. In 1950s Jaguar assisted Dunlop with the development of the disc brake, although a version had been patented fifty years earlier by whom?
A. Daimler B. Lanchester c. Fiat

Good luck everyone!!

Last edited by SteveSheldon; 12-23-2019 at 05:18 AM.
Old 12-24-2019, 04:04 AM
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OK fellow Jagsters I will likely (and probably quite rightly so) be banned from Jaguars and everthing to do with our event later today and for the next couple of days so I just want to take this opportunity to say Thankyou to everyone involved in our event - without you all we would not have the event we have, or everything that has grown around it from the Facebook group, website, Instagram, & Twitter right through to the new chat groups we now have running.
Please have a fantastic Christmas, wherever you are - and don't forget to register for our annual event in May - we genuinely have a grassroots Jaguar event you will not want to miss :-)
Here is a picture from one of our early events - we have moved on a long way from this, but still retain our ethos of supporting Jaguars from all walks of life, and financial situations and are very grassroots..


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Old 12-24-2019, 05:50 AM
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I was expecting a photo of Santa driving an S-Type .........

Happy Christmas to you and your family Steve.

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Old 12-27-2019, 04:17 AM
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Hi Guys,

Peter Simpson of Jaguar Breakfast Club fame, excelled himself with our Christmas 2019 Jaguar Trivia Quiz - I am sure that anything Peter doesn't know about Jaguar isn't worth knowing - a massive Thankyou to him for the questions and follow up trivia this week.

Here are the answers for everyone:

1. Browns Lane produced how many cars between 1952 and 2005?
A. 1,447,677

And did you know:
881,627 were XJ models.

2. In 1989 when Ford’s bid to buy Jaguar was accepted what was the Jaguar company valued at?
B. 1.6 Billion

And did you know:
Shareholders who had kept shares from flotation returned a 500% profit.

3. In 1950s Jaguar assisted Dunlop with the development of the disc brake, although a version had been patented fifty years earlier by whom?
B. Lanchester

And did you know:
Patented in 1902 by Dr Frederick William Lanchester, whose system applied braking to the transmission not the wheels.

if you got any of these right you did well, but if you got all three right you should be entering the quiz officially on the events Facebook group - This week Rob Jones, Mick Caswell & Martin Reynolds all made the title of 'Most Knowledgeable Jagster' :-) Congratulations to all three of them.

Our event has grown so, so much over the past year - you can get involved in so many ways whether it be via our forum thread here, Telegram, WhatsApp, Facebook group, our event website, or even Twitter & Instagram - we support ALL Jaguars whether they be showroom, cherished classics, school run or commuters, project, classic, customised or just managing to keep on the road - so go on, our 2020 event has a target of 300 Jaguars with trade specialists, clubs, forums, and more to meet you plus awards, a prize draw, convoy and main event elements, with discounted accomodation should you need it, and if you can't bring your own Jaguar we will even team you up with a British Jaguar that is attending to ensure you still have a great day out with us.. we have weekly quizzes (as you know) mini meets and events between our Great British Day Out for Jaguar Owner events, discount codes when we can get them, product reviews, community support, and more.. if you want to know more just drop me an email at or pop onto the event website at JaguarForumsUK - The Great British Day Out for Jaguar Owners for all the info, archived pictures from our previous events and more.

Meanwhile though... Have an incredible break this Christmas and New Year, & I look forward to meeting you all in May :-)
Old 12-27-2019, 05:11 AM
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OK, I admit it, I had forgotten it was 'Stats Friday' today.. lol.. two days off from organising and I forget everything lol

This week we have seen far more activity than I would have expected for this period, Thankyou everyone for keeping up to date with our event even on Christmas day!! Yes, I was offline, but still tried to keep an eye on things - it takes more than Christmas to disengage me from my job here lol

Don't forget to register for our next event, if you haven't already, as we have a Great Day Out for you and your Jaguar planned, and we have streamlined everything this year to make your time with us even better than ever :-)

You can register at our event website at JaguarForumsUK - The Great British Day Out for Jaguar Owners, and don't forget all the archived threads, and photos of all our previous events are there too..

Ok, here are this weeks stats, and please keep an eye out for our Synopsis of our year, 2019, hopefully appearing online New Years Eve - so, so much has happened this year :-)

Our forums threads have received an incredible 18,787 hits to-date
We have 54 Jaguars and 100 Attendees signed up (planning for 300 Jaguars/500 attendees this event)
We have an incredible 18 sponsors
We have 9 trade/specialist stands booked so far
We have 4 club/forum stands booked
We have 2 presentations booked
There are 5 awards confirmed so far
Our Facebook group is growing and now has 788 members
Our Instagram feed has 585 followers
Our Twitter feed is fairly constant at 620 followers
Our new Telegram Chat has 8 members
Our new WhatsApp group has 22 members

Happy Christmas and New Year to everyone!
Old 12-27-2019, 07:03 AM
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Here is some event trivia for you - over the Christmas period we not only had people taking time to visit the event website even on Christmas day, but over the past week it has had more visitors from Germany than the UK.. noting that contingents from Europe and around the world are very welcome, and we would love to be working with not just UK clubs and Forums but also clubs and forums around Europe and further - wherever there are Jagsters :-)
Old 12-30-2019, 02:15 AM
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Hi fellow Jagsters, Hopefully everyone has had a great Christmas break. For those of us back at work (or those of you who may still be off work and looking for a Jaguar challenge) Peter Simpson has come up with three questions regarding the X350 - The XJ Saloon for you.
I will be posting the answers up on Friday for everyone......

1. Who styled the interior of the X350?
A. Tom Owen B. Sandy Boyes C. Giles Taylor

2. Seat frames in the X350 were made from?
A. Steel B. Aluminium C. Magnesium

3. How many X350s were produced from 2003 to 2009?
A. 74,173 B. 83,566 C. 92,743

Don't forget, if you know all the answers, you may want to enter your answers in our event Facebook group, and you could end up being listed as one of our Most Knowledgeable Jagsters as we enter 2020 :-)
Old 12-30-2019, 02:22 AM
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OK Jagsters, Here is is ahead of schedule.. we have had an incredible year and here is my synopsis of 2019 for everyone.. please excuse any mistakes or errors (you know me - lol - there is always something).. Here's to an even more incredible 2020 for our event!

Hi fellow Jagsters, it us that time of the year when we look back at what we have acheived in the last twelve months, so we know not only where we are, but where we have come from.

We are after all a grassroots event, and it is important to always be aware of our roots and origins if we are to be able to move forward retaining our ethos of supporting Jaguars from all walks of life, background, and financial situation.

At the start of January we had 49 Jaguars and 77 attendees already registered for our eighth event, including a block booking for the XKEC & FTypeEC clubs, involved with us for the first time ever.

We had set up a website for the event initially using my personal domain, which was hosted on a free server with advertising, and an email address of The website carried all the archive pictures of previous events, some news and general info about the upcoming event.

We also made use of my personal Facebook page to carry the general event info on Social Media, plus our Twitter and Instagram accounts.

By the date of our 2019 event on May 26th we had 168 Jaguars and 251 attendees registered spanning over half a century of Jaguar production - right back to an SS100. The JEC & XKCC joined the XKEC & F-TypeEC with club allocated areas,, and had club stands. DesignCats, Julian Ferraro Jaguar Specialists, Leather Repair Company, Simply Performance, PVD, Harwoods Jaguar were amongst the incredible Jaguar specialists that attended on the day.

The day of the event was a success however did highlight some issues we needed to tackle.

We found that the venue which is at the start of the convoy element, didn't make the promised discounts on drinks/food.

We had issues trying to get everyone assembled for the start of day brief and Welcome Pack distribution.

At the main event we had issues with some attendees losing their way through Denbies to the main event.

Our marshals struggled with the increase in numbers this year.

We had issues with the event timetable not matching everyones needs.

The prize draw, which was the events only revenue stream, made a significant loss on the day.

Over the next two days myself and our core attendees brainstormed about how to move forward. Two people made generous donations to cover the shortfall and we developed a plan to tackle the events growing pains.

Despite our growing pains we impressed Frank Woodford so much that he became event patron, and in amongst the changes we made, we finally concluded we can finally support a charity and selected the RNLI which is very close to Franks heart.

Over the months since our 2019 event we have made significant progress with our plan. We still have a long way to go but have already implemented the following changes:

We switched our revenue stream from the Prize Draw to initial registration, whilst keeping everything on the day itself free apart for food/drink which will be discounted

Our marshals and event volunteers (inc me :-)) will now have high-vis JaguarForumsUK vests on so you can see and locate us easily.

We have new clear signs to go on the roundabout, and the event organisers stand, to make it easier to find the event, and me.

We experimented with logos and had little success, until Chris Pethick joined the team here and designed our new gorgeous logos.

We have moved the event to the cheapest reliable paid hosting out there with the new domain name of and have set up suitable email addresses to make processing incoming mail easier.

We have set up easy online registration on our event website using Paypal, enabling you to register and pay in just one click online streamlining registration.

We have set up a Features section on the website highlighting our sponsors.

We have moved the Facebook page from my personal account to an organisation page and added a Facebook group with all the news, info and chat.

We kicked off a weekly Jaguar Trivia Quiz, so every Monday we can take away peoples Monday Blues.

Initially run my myself, but after complaints Peter Simpson of the Jaguar Breakfast Club took it over for us :-)

We have opened up live chat groups on WhatsApp and Telegram giving people access to the latest news and info ahead of when it appears on the Facebook group.

Our attendees were asked for a collective name, and you voted for 'Jagsters' as the collective name for us.

Finally, after a number of possible linkups we finally found a perfect club to team up with, that shared the same ethos as us, and we teamed up with the incredible Jaguar Breakfast Club.

We still have a long way to go - we need more signage for the route into the main event, a standup sign for the start of the convoy, a tent, two tressle tables, improved printing facilities for the Welcome Pack information, stickers, need to rework the itinerary, solve the start of convoy issues and more - but we are working on it :-)

Registrations, after a deduction by Paypal for the transactions, go towards our web hosting, email hosting, printing, phone calls, and everything else that enables us to run our event. In addition we are building our event infrastructure such as tent, tables, signs etc. Any money we have left goes to the RNLI

Moving forward, we are in talks with the Rotary Club (Dorking), have a number of new sponsors coming on board, and are good at retaining our current sponsors.

Our sponsors help with prizes for the prize draw, running stands, offering discounts etc. but do not help with our finances in any way. In this way we keep independant for you ensuring you meet and connect with a full cross section of the support that is out there, and it will remain that way.

Finally we have started to include the bigger Jaguar ecosystem enabling you to not just meet specialists and support specialists, but also see how Jaguars are used in businesses, & meet the people who depend on Jaguars for their day to day work.

We have had highs and lows, have learnt from our mistakes, and have officially moved from a small to medium event, to medium to large event all within a year!

We now offer you the biggest, best, and smoothest grassroots event ever! Remembering our roots, our ethos, and working hard to support you, our Jagsters as best we possibly can.. we are transparent in how we work, and what we do, and will ALWAYS support all Jaguars from every walk of life and financial background.. there for you!

Happy 2020, and please remember to register your Jaguar for our May 24th event, helping us acheive 300 Jaguars and 500 attendees making us one of the largest grassroot events in South UK.

Thankyou for supporting us - without you we would not have the incredible grassroots event that we have. THANKYOU for 2019, and we hope you will still be with us through 2020
Old 01-02-2020, 06:17 AM
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Just a quick post for everyone (Don't worry the Synopsis sized post is only once a year thankfully :-)) to let you know that I have started the push to get us to our target of 300 attending Jaguars, and am already in talks with additional potential sponsors for our event :-)

We curently have 55 Jaguars signed up including an XJ220, a Project 7, and a Project 8 that has yet to be delivered to it's owner, along with a complete cross section of modern Jaguars.

To locate an XJ220 for our event is an absolute milestone for me as some of you will know - I have been trying to locate one that could make our event for years, literally! lol

We have 18 incredible sponsors, of which 9 have already signed up for trade plots guaranteeing you some great Talks by the Pros and show prices on must-haves, and I am working hard on expanding those figures for everyone

Please consider getting involved with our event - we are working with a number of Jaguar clubs and forums, and it would be incredible if we can not only host 300 Jaguars, but also put you in touch with all the support and specialist knowledge about your Jaguar you need in order to keep your Jaguar on the road and maintain her.

So why not give our grassroots Jaguar event a go? We can even organise discounted fixed price accomodation if you need it, and if travelling without your Jaguar can even pair you up with an attending British Jaguar to ensure you still get a great day out with us.

All the info on how to register your Jaguar is on the event website at JaguarForumsUK - The Great British Day Out for Jaguar Owners plus all the archive threads, pictures and more - please consider registering and helping us get to our target of 300 Jaguars on the day :-)

Last edited by SteveSheldon; 01-02-2020 at 06:27 AM.
Old 01-02-2020, 07:07 AM
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We have had an incredible 2019, and I thought it might be interesting to look back at what statistics we have from the past year - yes, yes I know boring figures and all that - but hey it's me filling you in on things so it will hopefully be a little more interesting & current for you - and some of this is quite surprising considering the size, and relative newness of our grassroots event :-)

For example, did you know that we get 30% more visitors to our website from Germany than the UK? That is something I never expected. We also get visits representing a good 20% of our visit tally from USA, Australia, and the European continent. Our event is literally followed worldwide - wherever there are Jaguars.

Did you know that of car owners that don't own Jaguars, we get the biggest following from Porche owners? Again one of those odd facts you would never expect.

Our event website has an average 70 to 100 visitors per week - with the largest contingent going directly there rather than via search engines or social media links, meaning that we are known more by word of mouth, via emails or people chatting than any other way.

The average time anyone spends on the event website is 3 minutes, despite working hard on expanding what it offers over the last year. This is something I need to work on :-)

Over the last year, noting that we only started the 2020 Gallery page a few months ago, our Gallery page has been the most popular page on our website, after the Home page. Again I had thought maybe the 2020 Event, Features, or Reviews Pages would be most popular.. although all three are close behind :-)

Our event maybe a grassroots event, but it is everyone involved with it that makes it what it is - and in that you constantly surprise me. We have such a range of people, clubs, forums, and companies involved, that we are getting close to truly representing the whole cross section of the Jaguar world that we all know and love at our events. Thankyou to everyone, and I hope you found these stats not only as surprising as I did, but also not as dry as you may have been expecting :-)
Old 01-03-2020, 03:52 AM
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It's Friday already? And a New Year? Welcome to the first Friday Stats day of 2020 then.. :-)

For those of you new to our event - we do this every Friday to ensure that everyone knows how we are, or are not, doing - it means that you always know what your Jaguar event is up to.. I may organise the event, but the event is Yours.. as it is everyones involvement with our event that makes it what it is..

It has been quite a week already with the beginnings of a steady stream of people registering for our May event, our new WhatsApp chat group growing, and discussions currently ongoing with two potential sponsors.

We have a target of 300 Jaguars, and 500 attendees for our May 24th event, and we are currently up to 57 registrations, already ahead of this time last year, which is fantastic.

Don't forget to register your Jaguar sooner rather than later to ensure your slot, as we will be limiting the numbers to 300 this year to make sure everything we have in place works smoothly for everyone. Last year we had a few issues as you know, and we are making sure we offer you the smoothest, best Jaguar experience we can before we look into possibly 400 Jaguars for our anniversary event in 2021. And yes, plans for our 2021 event have already been ongoing for a few months now :-)

Also, for those of you new to our event - everything to do with our event is free with the exception of the main event in May. It costs £5 to register your Jaguar for our annual event, but that then gives you access to our convoy/drive, free Welcome Pack, entry into the main venue, free Talks by the Pros, Show Prices, Oodles of free specialist advice, some incredible (and fun) awards you could be in with a chance at, and of course our free Prize Draw :-)

You may be wondering what happens with your £5 registration fee.. it covers our printing costs, website hosting, email hosting, signage and other infrastructure hardware with any remaining funds going to the RNLI (we are in talks with the Rotary Club too). We are a not-for-profit grassroots event purely there to support You and your Jaguar. Everything other than registration for the main event is FREE and will remain so.

So, please make good use of the incredible community we have with our event :-)

OK Jagsters.. here are the stats on where we are currently :-)

Our forum threads have amassed an incredible 19,869 hits
Our WhatsApp group is still growing and has 27 members
Our Telegram group has 9 members
Our Twitter feed is stable at 620 followers
Our Instagram feed has grown to 598 followers
Our Facebook group has grown to 793 members
Our Facebook page has 4951 friends
Our LinkedIn account now has 813 people/companies in its network
We have 57 Jaguars spanning from 1967 - 2020 registered, and 105 Attendees
Old 01-06-2020, 03:51 AM
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Hi Everyone,

It's a Monday, and the first 'proper' Monday' since the New Year so we all need some Jaguar goodness to get us through the day.. Peter Simpson of the incredible Jaguar Breakfast Club has produced some questions to test your knowledge of the Jaguar leaper....

1.The first official leaper appeared in December 1938 but during its lifetime how many versions were produced?
A. 6 B. 7 C. 8

2.To which of these models was the Leaper not fitted?
A. Mark VII B. Mark VIII C. Mark IX

3.Jaguar ceased production of the Leaper in 1969 but reintroduced a spring-loaded version for American markets in which year?
A. 1990 B. 1994 C. 1998

I will post the answers up on Friday, and don't forget if you enter the quiz on the events Facebook Group you will be in with a chance at your name up in lights asobne of our 'Most Knowledgeable Jagsters' of this week :-)
Old 01-07-2020, 06:53 AM
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Hi Everyone,

I have some good news regarding our event..

I am very happy to be able to tell you that SNG Barratt have just signed up with us for our 2020 event - I have updated the event websites Sponsors page, and they have taken advantage of a feature page there too where you can learn all about them :-)

Also, our discounted attendee only deal for accomodation close to the start point of the event, has had significantly more people booking up than ever before - so maybe a bit of a mini get together is on the cards for the night before? Over to you guys to decide on what you might want to do - & anything you would like organised for you just let me know.


Last edited by SteveSheldon; 01-07-2020 at 07:03 AM.
Old 01-08-2020, 08:30 AM
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Some of you may be wondering what our event offers you this year, and if it truly any bigger or better than last years event - I know I would if I wasn't the organiser.. so here is what we have on offer for you this year:

We are anticipating 300 Jaguars spanning close to 60 years of production
We already have a wide cross section of modern and new Jaguars registered for this years event including a Project 7, Project 8 and XJ220
We have streamlined registration for our event, eased the queues at the main event, and have rejigged the Itinerary giving you lots more going on right through the day
You can get some work actually done on site - possibly including diagnostics and tuning
We have new, additional fun awards your Jaguar could win this year plus of course our Prize draw
We have improved the signage with a new event logo, professional banners, & hi vis jackets making everything easier to find
We have made a lot of changes to everything around the event too - our event website is bigger with more info, and even has a gallery of the Jaguars that will be attending, which I believe is unique.
We now have Telegram and WhatsApp chat groups up and running, giving you the latest event info just before it is made public
We have been running a regular Monday Trivia Quiz for a while now for everyone with our 'Most Knowledgable Jagsters' honoured every week
and even more :-)

We are still very much a grassroots event and still following the ethos of connecting Jaguars from every walk of life and financial background with the incredible support network out there, including this forum, with every Jaguar considered equal whether they be showroom, school run, project, cherished classic, customised, or like my S-Type only just managing to keep on the road :-) So, if you have attended before we have so much more for you this year, and if you have never attended, we have an incredible event for you. A Great British Day Out for Jaguar Owners :-)

Quick Reply: UK South East Ninth Annual Convoy & Meet Event 24th May 2020

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